Limited Admin Privileges include Giving Awards, Organization Reports, Recognition by Admin, Admin Redemptions, and Manage Wall. With Limited Admin Privileges, you can grant Users certain administrator privileges as you may want some people to help you administer the site, but you don't want them to have access to everything.
The following privileges can be assigned to Users:
- Give Kudos® Awards - Users will see the Award section in the Give Bar; we recommend also giving permission for "Unlimited Sent Points" as well.
- Organization Reports - Users will see all organizational reports in Admin Dashboards
- Team Reports - Users will see their team reports in Admin Dashboards; this option will only be available if the user has a team of direct reports in Kudos®. This will not allow the user to see their report's downline reporting.
- Recognition By Admin - Users can send Kudos® messages on behalf of another user
- Unlimited Sent Points - This allows the user to send unlimited points of their monthly point allocation to a single individual. This will override the Too Much Love Rule. If you are giving a user the ability to send Kudos® Awards, consider also enabling Unlimited Sent Points to ensure that they can send unlimited points from their monthly allocation to any given person. Otherwise, the "Too Much Love" Rule will still apply.
- Admin Redemptions - The user can be selected to be the contact admin for Kudos Rewards®: Custom & Voucher Rewards.
- Manage Wall - Users will have the ability to restore messages to the wall
To provide admin privileges to Users, follow these steps:
Navigate to Admin ⚙️ > User Admin > Users. Search for the User you'd like to update and click to edit their information. Near the top of the popup window, you can select the Administrator privileges you want to give that User. Click Update. You can change or remove a User's Administrator privileges at any time by following the same steps to uncheck a privilege.
If someone is already an Administrator and you want to limit what they can do, first change them to a User by clicking the drop-down menu beside Privileges and then add the administrative abilities that you would like them to have.
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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