Account Settings: Located within the Admin Menu, Admins can use Account Settings to access integration settings, configure their organization’s platform, edit widgets, and send Announcements.
Activated User: A user who has accepted the email invitation to join their organization’s platform.
Activation Rate: Activation Rate = Activated Users/Total Users * 100%
Admin Dashboards: Admins can use their Admin Dashboards to report on most aspects of their Kudos® platform, including Activity, Messages, Values and Redemptions. For Dashboard specific terms, please review our Dashboard Glossary.
Admin: Admin users have access to everything in the Admin tab except for the 'Subscription', and 'API' tabs or any information therein. This means that they cannot see or edit the account name and credit card information or set up integrations via API. Admins can update user information and point allocations. Admins can access all Admin Reports & Dashboards. Organizations can assign as many users as they would like as Admins to suit your organization.
Admin Menu: Admins, or users that have have been given specific Admin Privileges, will be able to see “Admin ⚙️” at the bottom of their Kudos menu. Clicking this gear will open the Admin Menu, which allows them to access Account Settings, User Admin, Admin Dashboards and other Admin options.
Allocated Points: This is a pool of points for each user that is used to send recognition or endorsements. This pool is reset every month or quarter, depending on the organization's settings. If the allocated points run out before the end of the period, recognition can still be sent, though it will not give the recipients any points.
Announcements: Announcements will be posted to the home feed and the Announcements Widget. Announcements can be emailed directly to all users.
Awards (KA): Awards are a higher level of recognition, outside of our standard recognition options, that may or may not be accompanied by a Badge and/or points, depending on each organization’s settings and the discretion of the sender.
Archived: Archived users cannot access their Kudos® account, be sent recognition, or found in the system by a User. This does not delete the user, as their data is important for historical reporting.
Automatic Birthday and Anniversary Gifts: Admins can automate points to be delivered on an employee's birthday and anniversary. Admins can choose to send points, badges and customized emails for birthday and anniversaries.
Badges: Badges can be attached to any Award recognition message. Badges will show on a user’s Me page.
Bulk Changes: Located within User Admin, Admins can download all your user data (for both active and archived users) and use this to make changes in bulk to their organization’s user data.
Default Super Admin (DSA): The DSA for a Kudos® account has all the same permissions as other Super Admins. The DSA will also receive general notifications on their account, including errors and user inquiries. An organization can only assign one user as the Default Super Admin for their account.
Default User Profile Picture: Admins can set the default user profile picture for their organization. This profile picture will display if a user does not add their own picture. Recommended size: 5MB max. Files types accepted: png, jpg, and gif.
Departments: Departments are a way to segment users and are a reportable field. Users can send recognition to one or multiple departments.
Direct Reports: Those users who have a particular person assigned as their manager. A user can only have one direct manager. Using the table above, Muni has two direct reports: Karim and Scott.
Downline Reports: Includes both direct and indirect reports. Scott has three downline reports: Michelle, Jessie, and Aiden.
External Recognition Messages: Users can send a recognition message to someone outside of their organization by typing in an email address in the “To” field. If an organization uses points, external recognition will always be sent without points. External Recognition can be disabled through User Admin > Job Titles.
Indirect Reports: Those users who report to a manager who is directly or indirectly assigned to a person. Using the table above, Muni has three indirect reports: Michelle, Jessie, and Aiden. Scott has two Indirect reports: Jessie and Aiden. Jessie has no indirect reports.
General Message: A General Message will always be sent without points. Users will not receive an email if a General Message is sent to the entire organization. General Messages can be disabled by following the instructions outlined here.
Groups: Groups are a way to segment users. Groups can be Public or Admin. Admin groups cannot be used to send recognition to, but both are reportable fields.
K+ Points Allocation: By default, the K+ feature is set to zero points. However, if an organization wishes to tie points to this they can do so. Each recipient will receive the predetermined points amount. Points that are sent with K+ are deducted from the user’s monthly points allocation.
Levels: Levels are a way to segment users and are a reportable field. Recognition can be sent to one or multiple levels.
Liability: Liability is the difference between points funded and points outstanding. It is calculated as follows: Received points - Redeemed points.
Locations: Locations are a way to segment users and are a reportable field. Recognition can be sent to one or more locations.
Manage Wall: Admins can remove messages that are inappropriate or contain confidential information. Admins can also restore any message back to the wall that have been Reported To Admin in this section.
Manager Monthly Team Activity Report: If users have been provisioned with supervisor email addresses, supervisors will receive an automated monthly report depicting changes in their team's activity.
Manager Weekly Team Activity Report: If users have been provisioned with supervisor email addresses, supervisors will receive an automated weekly report depicting changes in their team's activity.
Manager Daily Summary Emails: If users have been provisioned with supervisor email addresses, supervisors will receive an automated daily report on days when a birthday and/or anniversary is occurring within the manager’s team.
Participating: Users that have sent a recognition message, endorsed a message or left a comment on a message.
Participation Rate: Participation Rate = Participating Users/Activated Users * 100%
Points Allocation: The amount of points each user has to give to their peers each month through recognition messages and K+. Points to give automatically refresh each month at midnight UTC. Points allocations are set through Job Titles.
Points Allocation Override: Points overrides allow Admins to set users to have a points allocation that is different than their Job Title allocation.
Points Received: The total number of points received by the user from all sources, calculated as follows: User Points + System Points.
Points To Dollar Ratio: If points are enabled, points to dollar ratio determines the redemption value of users’ points.
Points Usage: How many points have been sent compared to how many points have been allocated.
Reach: Individuals who have received a recognition message and/or General Message
Reach Rate: Reached Rate = Reached Users/Total Users *100%
Redeemed Points: How many points have been redeemed for rewards by a user.
Redeem Points for User: Admins can remove points from a user’s redeemable points balance through Admin Redeem; these transactions do not go through Kudos Rewards® or Kudos Rewards+.
SCIM API: The SCIM API enables Super Admins to provision and manage users and groups. This is only accessible to Super Admins.
Sent Points: Points sent from one user to another via recognition, endorsements, or awards.
Security: All account security settings can be accessed through Admin Gear ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > Security. This section is only available to Super Admins.
Super Admin (SA): Super Admins have access to everything on the site.
System Points: Points received automatically by the system, such as a milestone event, like a birthday or anniversary.
Theme: Admins can edit the look and feel of their organization’s site utilizing the theme section.
Total Users: Total users refers to all users who have been invited to join the Kudos® platform.
Inactive User: A user who has been invited to join the Kudos® platform but has not logged in or activated their account.
Unlimited Sent Points: The ability for a user to send more than 40% of their monthly point allocation to another user. This overrides the Too Much Love Rule.
Unredeemed Points: How many points each user has outstanding and has not exchanged for a reward.
Unused Points: Each user’s monthly point allocation less the points they sent in each month, or the points they did not send in each month.
User (U): Cannot edit any account settings other than their individual profile settings. Users cannot see the Admin menu. Users cannot edit Widgets or Pages, but they can view the active ones.
User Admin: User Admin is where you can add or remove users, and change, edit, or add Job
Titles, Groups, Departments, Locations, and Levels.
Points received from other users via recognition, awards, and endorsements.
User Invitation Email Template: Admins can customize the system-generated email that is sent to users when they are invited to join their Kudos® platform.
Welcome Message Email Template: This allows Admins to customize the system-generated email send to users at the time when the invite is accepted.
Widgets: All of the boxes on the right-hand side of the Home page. To learn more about the widgets, click here.
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