Attachments: If your organization has attachments enabled, you will see the Add Attachment button appear in the bottom left corner of the message box.
Exceptional (EX): A level of recognition used to let a colleague know that they did something Exceptional. If your organization has points enabled, an Exceptional message is always worth 50 points.
General Message (GM): A General Message can be sent to the same people, groups, departments, etc. as a Kudos message, but is not a recognition message. General Messages do not send with points, nor can you assign qualities, as they do not necessarily drive your core values and behaviours. Note: this may or may not be available, depending on your account’s settings.
Give Bar: Appearing in the centre of the Me Page or Homepage. Click the Give Bar to send recognition to a colleague.
Good Job (GJ): A level of recognition used to let a colleague know that they did a Good Job. If your organization has points enabled a Good Job is always worth 10 points.
Home: By default, Home is showing all of the public instances of recognition messages for the entire organization. You can filter which group’s messages show by toggling the filter “All Company” and the type of message by changing “All Messages."
Impressive (IM): A level of recognition used to let a colleague know that they did something that Impressed you. If your organization has points enabled, an Impressive message is always worth 20 points.
K+: Similar to a “like” button, the K+ is our version of an endorsement.
Kudos® Qualities (KQ®): Kudos® Qualities are the traits and behaviours that make up your company’s core values. Each user has their own KQ® that reflects the Qualities that they have received through recognition messages, and the Organizational KQ® is the amalgamation of each user’s KQ®. The chart is created as followed:
- The Qualities are coloured according to the Value that they represent.
- The height of the Quality represents the levels of recognition the quality has been sent with i.e. the quality is higher if it has been sent with more "Exceptional" recognition messages than "Good Job" recognition messages.
- The width represents how many times the quality was sent.
Main Menu: This is the main navigation in the Kudos® platform, appearing on the top left-hand side of any page. This can be used to access your Me page, Home page, People page, your organization's KQ and values, Pages, and Rewards.
Me: The Me page shows all the instances of recognition messages that revolve around you. We encourage you to fill our your personal details by clicking, “Edit” to let your team know a little bit more about you. In your “Advanced Settings” you can turn off multiple email Notifications. Your profile will also show your points, private messages, badges, and Kudos® Qualities (KQ®).
Notifications: All of the instances of recognition messages you have been involved with, some of which will also come to your email. Find out how to change your email settings here.
Pages: Any user can view and comment on a Page, which can be accessed by the Main Menu > Spaces > select Page > view Page and/or add comment. Please note Pages can include any form of communication your Administrators wish to communicate, including Videos, Pictures, Surveys, and Polls.
People: This is your front-end directory of all of your users in the Kudos® platform. Anyone can search for another user here and can be directed to their profile. Note: you will never be able to see anyone else’s points or private messages by looking on their Page.
Points: If your organization is running your program with points, you will see this appear in both the Give Bar and on your Me page. Note: If your organization is looking to use rewards in the system points must be enabled.
Private Messages: If your organization has private messages enable, you will see a lock icon in the bottom left corner of the message popup window when sending send a recognition message. If sent privately, this message will only appear on the Me page’s of both the sender and recipient. More information on private messages can be found here.
Redeem: The act of exchanging your points for a reward.
Report to Admin: If there is a post that you wish to remove from the wall, click on the three-dot icon depicted on the message, this will give you the option to report the post to admin. This will immediately remove the post from the wall and generate an email to your default super admin that the post has been removed. Admins can restore the message if it was reported by accident.
Rewards: Your organization may or may not have Rewards or Rewards+ turned on. You can exchange your points for e-gift cards or company culture-based gifts.
Stickers: You can attach a sticker to any recognition messages by clicking the button in the bottom left corner of the message box. Note: this may or may not be available, depending on your account’s settings. To find out more information on how you can edit these click here.
Thank You (TY): A level of recognition used to Thank a colleague. If your organization has points enabled, a Thank You is always worth 5 points.
👍: Click the thumbs up on a General Message to Like it.
Too Much Love: Users can only send approximately 40% of their points to another user in a given month. See here for more details and the exact numbers based on your monthly point allocation.
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