Messages that are removed from the wall will no longer display on the Home feed or Me page on the Kudos®️ website or mobile application.
❗️A few important notes:
- Points will not be deleted by hiding a recognition message or an award.
- If you are using the Kudos®️ integration for Slack or MS Teams, the post will not be removed from the wall feed on these applications. Reporting an Award will remove the Badge from the recipient's Me Page.
- Messages that are Reported to Admin are not permanently deleted from your Kudos® platform, but they will no longer appear on the wall timeline.
- Admins can view all reported messages.
- The Default Super Admin will be notified of its removal unless the post was reported by the original sender of the message or another Super Admin.
Any user who sees a message they view as inappropriate can click the "..." > Report to Admin on the top right-hand corner of the message:
This will instantly remove the post from the wall. The Default Super Admin will be notified of its removal unless the post was reported by the original sender of the message, or another Super Admin.
Both Users and Admins can report messages & remove them from the wall this way.
To hide messages, announcements, or events from the backend of the system go to the Admin ⚙️ > Manage Wall. Click on the tab at the top of the screen to view Messages, Announcements, or Events.
If you are looking for a specific message, you can use the filters to narrow your search. If you don’t populate the Recognition To or Recognition From fields the system will display information for all users for the selected time period. Click the Remove button next to a message to remove it from the Wall:
This will post a message in Manage Wall saying "Reported for Inappropriate/Confidential Info by" along with the name of the Admin who reported it.
You can restore a Message, Announcement, or Event at any time by going to the Admin ⚙️ > Manage Wall. Any messages that have been reported to Admin will show up in red and can be put back to the wall by clicking the Restore button:
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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