Introduction to Voucher Rewards
Integrating voucher rewards into your Kudos® platform allows your employees to redeem their Kudos® points for unique rewards, such as a voucher code or gift card, which can be used at your brand store or with external vendors. By emailing the required information below to Kudos Support or your Client Success Manager, you'll initiate the setup process for these rewards. This guide provides clear instructions to help you seamlessly add voucher rewards to your existing catalogue, enhancing your organization’s recognition program and enriching the user experience by offering direct access to tangible rewards.
Prerequisites for Setting Up Voucher Rewards:
Before beginning the setup process for voucher rewards, ensure the following conditions are met:
- Active Kudos Rewards+ Account: Your organization must have an active Kudos Rewards+ account. If you are using the original Kudos rewards and wish to set up voucher rewards, please refer to Kudos Custom & Voucher Rewards.
- Vendor Agreement: You must have an agreement with a third-party vendor capable of generating unique voucher codes.
Step-by-Step Setup Guide:
Obtaining and Preparing Voucher Codes
1. Vendor Coordination: Work with your vendor to secure a list of unique voucher codes.
2. Code Verification: Ensure that the codes are unique and functional.
Preparing Upload Templates
Voucher Template: Download and fill out the Voucher Template with necessary details such as SKU, URL, redemption and activation codes, denominations, and expiration dates. It is crucial to ensure that the SKU is unique for each entry. For example, even if you have 1,000 $10 vouchers, each SKU must be different (e.g., EGIFT101, EGIFT102, EGIFT103, etc.). This template manages specific voucher details and can be found at the bottom of this article.
Custom Reward Import Template: This template is essential for providing detailed information about each reward. It is located at the bottom of this article. The following breakdown outlines all the fields, the required fields are highlighted in the accompanying screenshot:
Uploading Codes and Reward Details to Kudos® Platform
1. Submit CSV Files: Send both the filled Voucher and Custom Reward Import CSV files to Kudos® support or your Client Success Manager for processing, ideally two weeks before the intended launch date.
2. Custom reward images should be less than 1MB, max 750x900 pixels, image ratio cannot exceed 3:1 and should be on a white background.
Admin Responsibilities
- Content for User Emails: Include details such as the URL where the voucher can be used, support contact information, and any other necessary instructions.
- Reward Management: Note that voucher redemptions will not impact your Kudos reward float.
- Geographical Availability: Clearly specify in your initial email which countries the vouchers should be available in, and confirm that your vendor can service users in these locations. This information is essential at the setup stage to ensure that all geographical constraints are appropriately managed.
Support and Additional Resources
For further assistance, contact our Support Team at or your Client Success Manager. Please overwrite the orange filled in examples with your own reward data in the Voucher rewards template.
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