This article is specific to Kudos Rewards® accounts. If your organization uses Kudos Rewards+, please reach out to your CSM or our Support Team for further information.
Custom Rewards are a great way for organizations to add company-specific rewards to your Kudos®. Custom Rewards are easy to create and can be anything you wish. Common ideas include company swag, a donation box, and a day off. Use the tabs below to learn more about managing custom reward inventory, processing redemption requests and limiting redemptions.
Administrators can access the Rewards catalogues by going to Admin Gear ⚙️ > Account Settings > Rewards. Once you’re in the Rewards tab click the Custom Rewards tab to manage your organization's Custom Rewards catalogue. In the Custom Rewards tab, click Add New Reward at the bottom of the page.
In the Add New Reward screen, you will be required to add a picture, assign a point value (price), reward name, and description. You can specify how many of these rewards are available, set the redemption limit, add in any “fine print” or special instructions, and even customize the email your user will receive upon redeeming this reward. After you’ve customized your email, you can click Preview Email to make sure all the details and special instructions are included. The Contact Admin will receive a notification that a new redemption has been made and that they will need to process the redemption. You can also restrict Custom Rewards to specific Departments, Groups or Locations. If you have restricted a Custom Reward, only the users in those Departments, Groups or Locations will be able to view and redeem that reward. It will not be shown to users outside the restricted Departments, Groups or Locations.
Here’s what you need to enter for each item:
- A Name
- An Image (png, jpg or gif; we recommend a size of 200px wide by 125px high)
- The Number of Points required for redemption
- The Number Available of the reward item
- For a reward to be visible to users, the number available must be more than zero. With each redemption of a reward item, the number remaining will automatically be updated. When the full inventory for a specific reward is redeemed, the item will no longer be visible to users.
- The Max redeemable per employee defines how many times the employee can redeem the reward in the selected time period. Set to 0 or leave empty to disable limiting.
- A Description
Other optional details you can include are:
- The Fine Print gives you a space where you can outline reward details, rules or regulations to users.
- Internal Notes is a space for instructions or information you want Admins to know about fulfilling the redemption request of a particular reward. This text can ONLY be seen by Admins.
- You can also customize your reward confirmation Email. You can modify the email text on the left, and use the following replacement codes to add dynamic content to your emails:
- User's First Name: %{f}
- User's Last Name: %{l}
- Reward Name: %{n}
- Contact Admin this admin will be emailed when a user requests to purchase a reward.
- Restrict access to the following groups restricts reward access to only users in the chosen groups. (Locations, Departments, etc.)
Once you've completed the fields, be sure to click Save to publish your changes!
You may need to edit a Custom Reward to change the description, update the inventory or assign a redemption limit. To edit an existing Custom Reward, navigate to Admin Gear ⚙️ > Account Settings > Rewards > Custom Rewards. Click Edit on the Custom Reward you would like to update:
Once you've made your changes and updates, be sure to click Save to publish your changes!
Custom Rewards can only be removed if they have not yet been redeemed by a User. If, however, a Custom reward has been redeemed at least once, that information will be labelled as historical data and cannot be permanently deleted. In this case, the best way to remove a reward from your Custom Reward catalogue is to mark zero ("0") in the available field. This will ensure the Custom Reward is not visible to Users; however, it will still be visible on the Admin section for Custom Rewards.
The image below shows the difference between a Custom Reward that can be fully deleted and a Custom Reward that has been previously redeemed, and therefore may only be marked as unavailable:
If your organization uses Custom Rewards, Admins or Users with Admin Redemption Privileges will be able to process before Users receive their Reward details.
To process or cancel pending Custom Reward redemptions, navigate to Admin Gear ⚙️ > Redeem and click the description:
Once you click Mark this redemption as completed a box will open up to allow you to customize the final email that will be sent to the requesting user. Here you will have the chance to specify special pick-up or redemption instructions and congratulations notes, before clicking Mark this redemption as completed again - this will finalize the redemption and email the recipient.
If you click Cancel this redemption, the points will be returned to the User's Redeemable Points balance immediately. Clicking Process Later will return you to the main Admin Redemptions page.
In the Kudos® platform, there may be times where you wish to limit the number of times that a Custom Reward can be redeemed. For instance, if you allow your employees to redeem points in exchange for a day off, but only want to limit this reward to be redeemed once per quarter. Kudos' Custom Rewards redemption limit makes it easy to set limits for each custom reward that you offer.
Custom Reward redemption limits can be set per calendar month, quarter, or year.
To add or update a redemption limit on a custom reward, go to the custom rewards section of your Kudos® platform (Admin ⚙️ > Account Settings> Rewards) and select Custom Rewards. You can either create a new custom reward or edit an existing reward to add a redemption limit to it.
Once you are on the reward setup page, you will notice 2 fields side-by-side: "Max redeemable per employee" and “Set time period”. In the first field, enter the maximum number of times an employee can request this custom reward. In the second field, enter the time period for that limit. For example, if you want to limit this reward to only be redeemable twice per quarter for each employee, type "2" in the Max redeemable field and choose “Per quarter” in the time period field.
Once you have entered the number, you will see a new field appears next to the first one called "Set time period." Use this field to specify during what time period you want the limit to be active for:
Once you have set up the redemption limit to your requirements, click "Save" to ensure the changes take effect. The limit will be put in place immediately.
Once you have put a redemption limit in place, your employees will only be able to redeem the reward if they have not reached the redemption limit. When employees go to redeem a reward with a limit in place, they will see a reward description along with an indication of what redemption limit has been set:
Once a reward has hit its redemption limit for an individual employee, that reward will be greyed out when the user visits the reward page. If the reward icon is clicked, the user will see this message:
Setting up voucher rewards allows you to connect your team to redeem their Kudos® points for coupon codes that can be used for your internal store or a preferred store. These voucher rewards will be available alongside the KudosReward® catalog and Custom Reward catalog in the Rewards section of the Kudos® platform.
Connecting voucher rewards requires codes provided from the store of your choice. Voucher rewards must be enabled and processed by Kudos®. For information about pricing for voucher rewards, please contact your Account Manager or email Support.
In order to set up voucher rewards, your internal store or your preferred third-party vendor will need to be able to generate unique coupon codes. Kudos® will then upload these unique coupon codes to your Kudos® platform. To process coupon codes for your organization, we require the following:
- Prior to setting up voucher rewards, we will need to know the frequency at which you plan to upload codes to your Kudos® platform. Please note that we require a minimum notice of two weeks to process the codes.
- Prior to the initial code upload, we will require an image for each reward denomination; this will be displayed under Rewards.
- The unique codes will need to be provided to the Kudos® team through CSV spreadsheets.
- Each denomination will require a separate CSV spreadsheet.
- At each upload, we will need to know the number of coupon codes that are being provided for each reward denomination.
Please contact your Account Manager or email Customer Support if you'd like to get started on setting up voucher rewards for your organization - we'd be happy to help!
Why can't Users see a specific Custom Reward in the Reward Catalog?
If a Custom Reward has disappeared from the Rewards catalogue, your inventory has likely been depleted. You will need to add to the number available to make the reward available for redemption.
Can we use Custom Rewards for Donations?
Yes, you can! If you're creating a Custom Reward for Donations, please be advised that donations do not happen automatically. Your organization will have to make a formal donation on behalf of your employees once they have redeemed a donation.
Will employees see Custom Rewards in the catalogue as soon as I add the reward information?
If you'd like to work on your Custom Rewards catalogue without worrying about your team redeeming rewards before you're ready, set the "Number Available" to zero for each Custom Reward. If a Custom Reward is set to zero ("0"), it will not display in the Custom Reward catalogue. Once you're ready to make the Custom Rewards available to your team, you can edit the reward and enter the correct number of rewards available. Once you have added any quantity above zero to the "Number Available" and clicked "Save" your Users will be able to see and redeem the Custom Reward immediately!
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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