In this article:
Kudos® Points Basics
Your personal points information can be found on your Me Page, under your Profile Picture and Information. Users that visit your profile will not be able to see your points information.
Points Left to Give: These points are yours to send to your colleagues! Your Points to Give balance is replenished at the start of every month. The allocated number of points is determined by your Kudos® Administrator and is based on your job title in the system.
Redeemable: The number of Kudos® points you have accumulated that you can put towards a Reward. It's a total of all the Kudos® points you have received to date, minus any previous redemptions.
All-time: The total number of Kudos® points you have accumulated, including points you have redeemed.
Your Kudos® platform may alert your message will be sent without points if you've sent Too Much Love to the same user or if you've already sent all of your Points to Give for the month. This will be displayed in the Give Form, highlighted below. We encourage you to continue to send recognition messages to your peers, even if the message will go with no points!
Sent Points Cannot Be Revoked
Once a recognition message is sent it cannot be revoked. You can edit the message and change the visibility from Public to Private or report the message to Admin to remove it from the wall so that it isn't visible to your organization if there was a mistake. This article will guide you through editing your recognition message.
Any points sent accidentally can be manually redeemed by an Administrator. Admins can follow the instructions here to redeem points manually. These points cannot be redeemed for a reward, but are instead removed from the accidental recipient's Points Balance.
Unused Points to Give Expire at the End of the Month
On the first day of every month at 12:00 AM GMT/UTC, your Points to Give balance will refresh. Any unused points from the previous month will be gone, and the new balance in your Points to Give will be the number of points you are allocated.
External Recognition Messages Do Not Use Points
If you send a recognition message to someone outside of your Kudos® account by typing in their email address, they will receive the recognition message and see the Kudos® level (Thank You, Impressive, etc.) in an email notification, but they won't receive any points and no points will be removed from your Points to Give balance. If you send a message to multiple people where some are external and some internal users, the message will be sent with no points for anyone.
Your organization may not use the Kudos® platform with Points, or you may not have a Points Allocation assigned to you. This is determined by your Kudos® Administrators; we encourage you to reach out directly to them for questions about Points to Give allocations.
Your organization may not use the Kudos® platform with Points, or you may not be eligible to receive points. This is determined by your Kudos® Administrators; we encourage you to reach out directly to them for questions about Points eligibility.
No, if you run out of Points to Give your recognition message will be sent with no points. If you are not allocated any Points to Give but have received points from other users, you cannot send these points.
If you feel you need more monthly allocated points than you were assigned with your job title, you can contact your Administrator and ask them to set an individual override for you.
There is! You can send approximately 40% of your Points to Give balance to another user. For more information on this, please check out our Too Much Love Rule article.
Reward options depend on the program set up by your Administrator.
If your organization is using Kudos Rewards®, check out this article to learn how to redeem your points: Kudos Rewards® - How to Redeem Your Points
If your organization is using Rewards+, check out this article to learn how to redeem your points: Rewards+: How to Redeem Your Points
There are a few reasons your message was received without points:
- You may not be eligible to receive Points
- The sender may not have a Points allocation and may not be able to send Points with recognition
- The sender may have used their Points to Give during the month and didn't have enough Points to send with the message
- The sender may only be able to send Points to Give with Awards
- The sender may have already sent you Points this month and may have triggered the Too Much Love Rule
To see if a recognition message came with Points, you will need to look at the wall on your Me Page. If a message was received with points, the points value will show beside the level of recognition:
Please note that you will never be able to see the Points received on the Home Page wall, or on another user's Me Page. You will only be able to see Points received on your personal Me Page.
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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