Values and Qualities are key components of your account. The Qualities (or traits, characteristics, or behaviours) are what will be reinforced every time one of your team members sends a message of recognition.
As messages are sent, the KQ and reporting features will provide you with information on what Values and Qualities your team is being recognized for. Your account comes with a default list of Values and Qualities. This article will guide you through adding, editing and archiving Values and Qualities.
Start by navigating to Admin Gear ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > Values & Qualities. The first thing you'll see are the current Values being used by your organization:
If you want to edit an existing Value, click the Edit button to the right. Here you can change the name, colour, and description. When you've finished editing the Value, click Save.
To add a completely new Value, click + New Value. Add a name, choose a colour and enter a description. When you're done, click Save.
If you need to remove a Value from your user's view, you first need to archive all Qualities associated with the Value. A Value that has been used in a recognition message cannot be fully removed from your site, it can only be archived. Once there are no Qualities tied to a Value, the Value will no longer appear on the Our Culture page & is considered archived. More information on archivng a Quality can be found in the next section.
You can add, edit and archive your Qualities by going to Admin Gear ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > Values & Qualities.
Qualities are the behaviours that describe your Values. For example, if one of your core organizational values is Transparency, example qualities could be Honesty, Openness, and/or Communication. Users must select at least one Quality when they send a recognition message.
To add a new Quality, click + New Quality. A blank field will appear where you can type in the name of the new Quality and assign it to a Value. When you're finished, click Save.
To change which Value an existing Quality is assigned to, click the drop-down menu beside the Quality and select the Value you want the Quality to be attributed to:
You can edit a Quality name by clicking into the text box, shown below. If you do not have the ability to edit the name, it means that the Quality has already been used when a user sent recognition.
Once a Quality has been sent with a recognition message, it cannot be edited or removed - only archived - so that it stays intact for reporting purposes. To archive a Quality, click the drop-down menu beside the Quality name and select Deactivate - Archive Quality:
To view Archived Qualities click Archived Qualities. You can choose to unarchive a Quality by selecting a Value from the dropdown menu to the right of the Archived Quality:
If a Quality was added, but never used in recognition, you can fully delete it by selecting Remove:
Remember, once a Quality has been attached to a message, you cannot completely remove the Quality. It will be kept in Archived Qualities for reporting purposes.
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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