This article will guide you through the various system-generated emails your users will receive. Once you have invited a user to your platform, they will receive the User Invitation Email. After activating their account and setting up a password, a user will receive the Welcome Email. Reminder emails can be enabled or disabled depending on your organization's preference. Manager Summary emails include Weekly and Monthly team summaries, and will depend on your organization's settings.
Typically, Invitation Emails are your team's first contact with the Kudos®️ platform, so we recommend editing them to get your team excited about giving recognition. This is the email that users receive that has a unique link for them to join.
To start, go to: Admin ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > User Invitations > Customize User Invitation Emails
The email will automatically have your company logo and colours. You can customize the Header and Content. The content can be whatever you'd like, but should contain some more information on what the Kudos®️ platform is and what you'd like the recipient's next steps to be — we recommend asking them to log in and start sending messages of recognition. You can check to see what the email will look like by clicking the Preview Email button.
Welcome Emails can be configured to represent your organization's culture and are a great way to thank your team for signing up.
To start customizing your welcome message go to Admin ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > Welcome Messages > Customize Welcome Email.
Here, you will have two options. The first option allows you to have Welcome Emails sent as a General Message by our Support Team. Because this is a General Message, no points and no values are attached to the message. The only customizable aspect of this option is the content of the message.
The second option allows you to customize the Email Sender, Message Type (General Message or Thank You Message) and message content. If you choose to send your Welcome Email as a Thank You, you can select whether or not to also attach 5 points to the message.
Clicking the Send with (5) points attached checkbox will bring up a warning message stating the number of points that will be sent in total to everyone receiving a Welcome Email. You will have to ensure that the person you have selected as the Email Sender has enough points to send the message! Sending your Welcome Email as a Thank You message also means you will need to select at least one Value.
Once you've decided on which option you want and fill in the email's content, click Save/Preview Email.
Reminder emails can be sent automatically from the system when members of your team haven't sent a recognition message in a while. These notifications are sent out after 14 days of inactivity.
To turn on Reminder Notifications go to Admin ⚙️> Account Settings > Customize > Kudos Reminders. Here you can also customize the reminder email to suit your organization.
If you filled out the "Supervisor" field in your user import, you have the option to turn on the Manager Notifications feature. Once turned on, managers will receive emails on a weekly and monthly basis notifying them of activity in the Kudos®️ platform within their team.
You can enable Managers Notifications by navigating to the Admin ⚙️ > Account Settings > Customize > Reporting & Notifications.
Turning these features on will enable it for all managers; however, users can override this setting if they wish by going to their profile > Edit > Advanced Settings > My Email Settings.
Weekly Team Activity Report
The weekly activity email will come to your email inbox every Sunday. It will contain the seven most recent recognition messages sent and received on the Kudos®️ platform by members of your team. This allows you to get a quick glimpse of all the great work your team does week by week in case you miss it on the Wall.
Monthly Team Summary Report
Monthly Team Summary Reports will come to your email inbox on the first day of every month. It will display the number of messages sent and received by members of your team, and the percent changes from the previous month. It will also display the top 10 senders and receivers in the month. In addition to your team, this report also displays information for the entire organization.
Daily Birthday & Anniversary Summary Report for Managers
As an Administrator, you can enable manager daily email summaries that lists the birthdays and anniversaries of their team members. Emails will only be sent on days when a birthday and/or anniversary is occurring within the manager’s team. There is a link for managers to go directly to the milestone post on the Kudos® wall where they can add their congratulatory wishes as a comment. If you would like to turn this on for managers, here is an email template to give them a heads-up.
Managers are defined in Kudos as any user that is listed in the ‘Reports To’ field of any other user. Please reference this article if you need to adjust your reporting structure within Kudos®: Adjusting Email Notification Settings
Managers may choose to disable this feature in their settings. Existing privacy rules around birthdays and anniversaries will be respected. When the option is enabled, managers will receive an email on any day when someone on their team has a birthday and/or anniversary.
The following rules apply for daily manager emails:
- If birthdays are marked by the administrator or the user as private, they will not appear
- If anniversaries are marked by the administrator as private, they will not appear
- If birthdays and/or anniversaries are not enabled, the information will not appear in the email
- If there is no milestone on the team on a given day, no email will be sent
- If only one milestone type is occurring on a given day, the other section will not appear. For example, if there is a team member’s birthday but no anniversaries, then only the birthday section will appear.
We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.
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